I am very sorry for not posting this past week. I was truly very excited to make some video blogs, but outside circumstances have made that impossible. The hotel we stayed at in Italy had inaccessible wi-fi until the last evening, and my computer had a great level of difficulty accessing it. Here in Germany, my host family does not have wi-fi available either, and their internet hook-up does not work on my computer. I have not been able to find consistent and reliable public wi-fi in Bietigheim-Bissingen either. I apologize sincerely.
However, I am still recording video, and I am still excited, because I will be posting a longer video as a summation of the whole trip when we return (not the moment we return, but a few days after. It will take a bit longer to edit)! It won't be a day-by-day recap, but expect a complete review of the experience and what I thought about the trip as a whole. Sorry again, and thanks very much for waiting!