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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Collaboration: Trailer 2.0 With Voice-over

We've received a lot of fun/positive feedback about the 'trailer' I created using the iMovie app on my iPad.  I'm glad so many people enjoyed it.

When Mr. Williams first saw the trailer he told me that he had a friend in college, named Andrew Dawson, that moved to California and has become a voice actor, doing - among other things - professional 'voiceovers' for television and film.  (He and Mr. Williams played in a brass quintet together an Indiana University.)  Mr. Williams said to me, "I can just hear Andy's voice when I see the words in the trailer you did."

Today Mr. Williams sent Mr. Dawson the YouTube link we had created.  And guess what?  Mr. Dawson graciously went into his professional recording studio and shot us back the voiceover for our trailer!

When you listen to it ... you're going to immediately recognize the voice.

So, how cool are we?!  We not only have our own trailer, but we have one with a professional voiceover ... recorded just for us today in California!

Check out some of Mr. Dawson's other work by clicking here.

Thank you, Mr. Dawson, for adding even more excitement to our impending departure!  We all appreciate your efforts today on our behalf.