It is fantastic to experience this new culture. The new perspectives on everything are refreshing and fascinating. I will now detail a few examples. Yesterday morning when the band members arrived at the Gymnasium we had been given huge lunches from our host families. This was confusing until we realized that the main meal of the day is in the middle of the day. The bathrooms cost 0,30 euro. The 158m waterslide at the outside pool has variable speeds (although most amazing to me was the fact people are allowed to run in a pool). Summer break does not start till the first week of August. It cost 4000 euro (5000 US$) to get a driver’s license. Last night, when Italy beat Ireland, car horns were sounding until 11:45 PM.
This afternoon I will go camera shopping with my host family (RIP, my Sony Kamera). While I am excited to own a piece of German engineering, I am nervous about communicating with the shop owner in German. I am hoping this goes well.