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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Airline Seat Assignments

We typically begin getting questions, about a week before departure, about airline seats and how they will be assigned.  The first thing you need to know is that we (D99 faculty) have no control over who is assigned to which seat on the aircraft.  When a group like ours initially purchases tickets, the airline assigns each passenger a 'locator number.'  When we check in at the airport for our flights, the airline will then tell us which number (passenger) has been assigned to which seat.  We have frequently seen airlines assign these to us alphabetically by last name throughout the block of seats we have been allocated.  Again, District 99 has no control over these assignments.  

All passengers must be in these assigned seats for departure.  There will be no exceptions for students.  The only potential changes prior to take-off will be for D99 staff who - in working in consort with the airlines - may need to reposition themselves for supervision and access.  These changes (if needed) will be coordinated by the flight attendants and your group chaperones.  If you are asked by a staff member or flight attendant to switch seats, please do so politely. 

Later in the flight, once the aircraft is at a cruising altitude and the captain has given passengers permission to move in the cabin, minor adjustments to seating for students may take place.  However, if this is desired, it should be done quietly, slowly, without disruption to others, and in a staggered fashion.  In other words, everyone can't just stand up and start changing seats.  Think of it like a slow chess game ... one move at a time.   

In the end, you might just find that it's okay to be sitting next to someone in the band you don't already know very well.  A great opportunity to get to know someone new!

Remember we have four flights together during this tour.  This information applies to each of the four flights.