This post is a reminder that each student is encouraged to carry a reasonable amount of cash, in Euro, upon departure.
We actually discourage students from taking TOO MUCH cash on the tour. Special student issued credit or debit cards tied to your bank, are typically the best option for money management during the tour. And speaking of those cards, make sure you KNOW HOW TO USE the card before departure. Know if there is a password or PIN number needed, and make sure you have that information at your disposal. Also, make certain the bank/financial institution has 'activated' the card prior to departure.
But, it is good to have a small amount of cash, in Euro, for our arrival in Rome. A student may need to grab a snack, or use a public washroom during a tour (yes, frequently you pay for that privilege in Europe!) before there would be a chance to do any kind of withdrawal of cash from a Money Exchange. $50 US Dollars (40 Euro) would be a good place to start to insure that you have the resources you need on the ground when we land in Italy.
Click here to be redirected to a Feb. 28th post on this Blog about a local currency exchange (in Naperville) that has offered a special rate for members of our band.